How do you follow a blog with such nice family photos and good memories of fun times in Singapore with Grandma and the kids ?..... Bodily functions you say ...??
Bodily functions usually are a more grounding sort of discussion point and so it is that we can dive into the bodily function of urinating. So lets get down to earth and share a little bit of our recent experience.
Samuel Stress test the Set Top Box
The cable TV man had just been to our apartment the day before and we decide to have two set top boxes installed, one in the living area and one in a small family room linking all the bedrooms.
This little family room is a convenient place to change the kids nappies without disturbing or offending anyone else and we leave the change mat and spare diaper or two there for changes.
It was on this Sunday after the installation that Samuel and I were in the family room part way through a diaper change and Samuel (hates diapers) wanted some free ballin time. So I let him walk around for a bit and soon he became curious about the new set top box sitting on the floor so he stood on it and proceeded to take a leak. After which he stepped down and nonchalently moved on.
I threw a diaper onto the machine to try and save it, turned it off and left it to dry. A few hours later Mingyu and I tried to restart the setop box, but to no avail.. then thankflly a few days later Mingyu managed to get it going again.
Dehli Bladder
I was in India last week and visited Chennai and Dehli, I had stuck to my friends advice to eat local food and not to go for the Western food. Everything went well, the curries , dosa and other treats were great. But after two days and then arriving in Dehli it was like there was a large amount of water that could not be held back any longer . Every 2-3 hours I was in need of relief ans exposed to some of the worlds less glamourous toileting facilities. Thank goodness it wasnt the full blown Dehli belly.... just dia wee aah.
After flying back to Singapore it was all clear and back to normal.. may have been something I drank.