It is probably due be the hot steamy weather and the massive late morning downpours that hurtle over sized rain globules to the ground with thunder and lightning that has everyone on edge lately.
We are experiencing some unusual events and not just from the skies;
Take Sedgeway for example, you know the two wheel stand on device that is the so called leader in personal green transport. It was a bad week for Sedgeway the new owner of the company drove his Sedgeway over a cliff but was described in his obituary as a true visionary, unfortunately unable to see this particular hazard. So too a colleague of mine took his family to Sentosa for a Sedgeway tour and found himself pile driven into the roadway and came to work with cuts and bruises all over his face and hands.
The Aussie rules grand final was drawn last week and the whole thing will be repeated this week. Lets hope they get it right this time and St Kilda show the Magpies how to play footy.
I was in Madrid during the final and had the chance to walk around the old part of the city and could not pass by the jambon museum. It's a curious place near Sol square where the decor on the walls and ceiling features thousands of hams. On one side of the place is a butchery and the other side is a bar service beers and ham in various shapes and sizes. I enjoyed a beer and jambon roll for 2 euro before heading back to the Eurostars hotel by metro.