Sunday 20 April 2008

Saturday in a Swingchair

The weekend started badly, I was two hours late getting home on Friday evening without even a beer. I noticed someone had clipped the side of the hire van and was immediately regretting not taking the extra insurance.  I finished assembling mingyu new desk and chair. I'm and engineer and these things still took 3.5 hours to put together.  The kids were up every two hours and I recall Sunny and I meeting up in their room at four o'clock in the morning and having a chat about their sleep and eating and well being.

Saturday things improved and Mingyu and I went to the COOP do it yourself store to pickup a swing chair I ordered a week before. It was huge and we had to put all the seats down in the back of the Voyager hire van to get this big white box in. When we got home Sunny took one look and said there goes another three hours to put that thing together. The good news was it only took one hour plus and it worked first go. It was nice to sit in the chair and swing away even though it was a bit chilly. I made toasted sandwiches for lunch with ham and brie. We all sit at the table and have lunch together even during the week I will come home for lunch at least four times. Anyway it was quickly apparent that sandwiches was not going to be enough so we went for second course of tuna kimchi stew with rice. 

I have to get the spare bed ready now since the twins are so noisy they cant sleep together anymore. Andrew is eating only small amounts every couple of hours and Samuel has caught a bug and has the runs and is very restless, poor kids. They have a doctors appointment next Tuesday morning and  we will load up the doc with all the backlog of ailments.


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