Sunday 29 March 2009

A few days in Venice

It was to be my final gig with Siemens, to present at the Global Management Conference for the Building Automation business unit. Location was Venice and we decided it was an opportunity to good to refuse, so we packed the whole family and Sunnys sister Jinsoo and made the drive down to Venice for a few days.
The Hotel was the Hilton Stucky, a recently renovated industrial building on the canal facing Venice. It was one water bus stop away from the car park. Of course there are no cars in Venice so once the mode of transport is water bus and eater taxi and of course the gondola.
The boys were fascinated by the view of the canal and water traffic from the hotel window.
We had a chance to go to St Marco square and walk through the tiny alleys, past the shops to the Rialto bridge. Andrew loved the bridge and especially the feel of the old worn marble hand railing.
After the Venice trip we overnighted in Milano before heading up to the outlet shopping in Fox town, I bought clothes for Mingyu and the girls bought prada purse and feraggamo shoes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

venice looks lovely, when are you going to singapore?